Training Doesn't Have To Be Complicated
There are a lot of gyms out there. Big gyms, boutique gyms, group classes, boot camps, you name it!
As a consumer, the abundance in choice of finding the right space or type of exercise can be overwhelming. We're here to tell you that it doesn't have to be. When looking for a gym to start your training, there are a few criteria that can act as a guideline and help simplify things for anyone.
Here at Black Tusk Athletics, our training approach isn't complicated. Work hard, cover all fitness domains, be consistent and the results will follow.
Ask yourself, what is your primary goal?
If it's to be generally well and healthy, then group classes might be a great start
If you have a specific goal, then find a personal trainer that can help you with those specific goals
Ask people in your immediate circle for advice and what worked well for them.
Chances are you will enjoy what your closest friends enjoy. That would help narrow things down
Look for gyms and classes that are as close to your home/work as possible.
Creating barriers for yourself is never the best way to start. Keep things simple by picking something convenient
Try different things out
Trying different things to see if you have fun with it. If it's not fun, it's probably not for you!
If you need someone to help point you in the right direction, book a No-Sweat Intro with us, here!