Oh Happy Holidays


December is always a tough month mentally, emotionally, physically. Between the non-stop arrival of gift baskets of goodies at the office, year end deadlines, to holiday parties, christmas concerts and events, out of town relatives visiting or the perpetual cooking, cleaning, it’s very easy for your regular routine to fly out the window. We’ve all been there. As rhetorical as it sounds, carving out some of that time for yourself is a real life saver.

You may not be able to get to the gym as frequently as you regularly would or as often as you’d like, but going in once or twice a week is better than none at all. Try your best to continue working out at your regular time and stick to as normal a diet as possible; avoid the mentality that all is lost in December. Stock your home with healthy options, so that those will be your go-to and then eat the treats you are bound to receive in moderation.

These next few weeks will probably entail copious amounts christmas shopping, baking, decorating, or endless holiday events, be it parties, family gatherings or friends you haven’t seen in awhile cashing in those “we should get together sometime.” As much as the holidays are tough on your body, it’s a mentally stressful time of the year as well. Lower your expectations of yourself. We would all like to fit EVERYTHING in, but we are human, there are only a finite amount of hours in a day and YOU deserve some of those hours. Alleviate some of that added stress by committing to things you WANT to do and don’t see as a chore; if it’s not a HELL YES, it’s a hell no.

The holidays only come once a year and you should enjoy them! In the midst of all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, take some time for yourself and remember that self care is not selfish!

Jason LeeHolidays, Fitness, Tips