Black Tusk Athletics

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Far too many times, we hear our newer athletes tell us that they aren't really competitive and that they are happy where they are, just getting a sweat in, pacing themselves through a work out or they going lighter on the weight. Whether we know it or not, this is a defense mechanism because everyone is innately competitive in a sense that we all have an ego, we all want to do well and excel. We are competitive. We are competitive with ourselves.

It's tough for us to embrace this inner drive. When our egos want us to give 100% of our efforts and do our very best, we fear that our best is not good enough; enter fear of failure, enter vulnerability. This is why we rather choose the path that will not lead us to failure. We want you to know and understand that it is more than okay to fail. It is okay to feel uncomfortable. Without discomfort and failure, you will never push yourself to your limits, to your fullest potential. Your coaches have all, on more than once occasion, said "get comfortable with being uncomfortable". Starting a new journey is scary. Walking into a group class where you know no one is scary. Giving it your true 100% is scary.

The fundamental commonality between everyone in each of our classes is that we want to better ourselves. Much like the way we coach your burpees, (you can hear us can't you? "it does not matter how slowly you go, just don't stop"), you just have to keep moving forward. Keep setting those goals, keep striving to be better, keep pushing yourself to your fullest capacity, because it's only a matter of time until your once fullest capacity becomes your warmup. As the old adage goes "if you are not progressing, then your are regressing".