How To Achieve Your Goals
“Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”
This is a quote I read this morning and I can’t get it out of my head now. We are a product of our surroundings and this quote applies to all aspects of life. Just like one little step after another up a mountain will eventually get you to the summit, one small leak in your boat will eventually sink you.
We are a product of the environment we place ourselves in & are responsible to craft our ideal situations. Everyone may have a different goal and I’m not here to tell you what your goals should be, however, I do hope they are going to impact your life in a healthy and positive way.
Let's focus on your sinking boat first. Take a moment to think about something in your life that is sinking your boat. You may not know exactly how to fix the hole just yet, but you know it exists. Is it a smart idea to stare at it and let it overwhelm you until you inevitably drown? These leaks in your boat can exist anywhere. They can be present in relationships, careers, what you see on social media, or even what food is stocked in your cupboard. No matter the size of the leak, it is important to fix it. If something is not supporting your goals, why are you still holding on to it? If you can fix it easily, I challenge you to fix it now. If you don’t know how to let it go, reach out to someone who can.
Create your ideal environment, reinforce your foundation, and lock out the leaks.
Now let’s start climbing that mountain.
Have you ever caught yourself envying a role model or somebody you looked up to and what they are capable of or have? Now I don’t mean somebody that has a fancy car, or enormous house because they were born into wealth, I’m talking about the person who carved out a life they truly wanted. This can be anyone. It could be a professional athlete, a local business owner, or your neighbor. Regardless of who they are, they are somebody you can learn from. They have created the discipline and took action to climb their own mountain. Making it to the summit is not the important part and will probably stay forever out of reach but as you start your journey up, one step followed by the next, your view gets nicer, your air gets clearer, and the noise that you were drowning in becomes faint. Let go of what weighs you down, and take your small step up the mountain.