Black Tusk Athletics

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A Shift In Mindset: Habits and Goals

I would like to reintroduce the concept of climbing your mountain and fixing the holes in your sinking ship from a couple of weeks ago. Every small step up the mountain gets you closer to the summit and every tiny hole in your ship will eventually cause it to sink.

We all have our mountain to climb and we all have a ship that will eventually sink if we ignore our holes. What and who we surround ourselves with directly impacts our actions and how we feel. When was the last time you realized you needed to make a change for the betterment of your life? This can be related to any aspect of your life like choosing to eat better, exercise consistently, or end a relationship with somebody who is draining the energy out of you or causing distress. What was the outcome? Were you successful with change or did you slip back into your old ways? Regardless of the outcome, what do you think determined the it?

The environment you place yourself in, directly impacts the actions we take and decisions we make. These decisions can either move you closer to your desired goals or greatly hinder our chances of achieving them. Are you going to sail your ship in the open waters or are you going to sail through the rocky narrows that will inevitably capsize you? Are you going to take advantage of the path your mentors have already mapped out up the mountain? Or are you going to scramble up the side full of loose rocks until the ground crumbles beneath your feet and you tumble back to the bottom?

Respecting your goals and allowing yourself to feed your positive habits, lets you truly grow. Immersing yourself in an environment that facilitates positive change is truly powerful and can solidify the change you seek. This could be joining a gym that truly has your best interests in mind or building your mentor/friend network with people who are climbing to the same goals as you are. This may come as an enormous decision like leaving an occupation that is slowly sucking you dry or as simple as replacing your pantry with healthy food choices and ditching the potato chips. Prioritize making changes that will move you closer to your summit.

A virus can only flourish is it is fed. The choice to feed it or let it starve is yours.