Black Tusk Athletics

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Ships Only Sink When The Water Gets In.

Time for a history lesson. Remember the story of the Titanic? Of course, you do. No, this entry isn't about Jack and Rose. It's about the ship that was deemed unsinkable. A heroic masterpiece of engineering, and how a chunk of ice determined its fate.

You're probably wondering how this applies to you but hold on, I'm getting there!

The Titanic was massive and was considered one of mankind's greatest creations. It was designed to be capable of staying afloat even if 4 of its 16 compartments were breached with water. After coming into contact with an iceberg estimated to be much smaller than the ship itself, 5 of the compartments were affected and that was all it took to sink the beloved Titanic.

But ships don't sink because of the water around them, they sink when the water gets inside them!

Water is a ship's weakness even though it is all around it. As a human being, you also have weaknesses, but how you handle your situations determines if you sink or float. Negativity is all around you much like water around a ship. You voyage through life coming in contact with inconveniences or problems along the way. You deal with them and keep pushing forward, but your hull is only as strong as you allow it to be. Sinking is a choice. You get to decide if you let the negativity consume you.

Hardships can seemingly come out of nowhere and are something that none of us are impervious to. How you handle each situation may be different but in the end, it is your decision of how much of a burden you place on yourself. Alternatively, when someone you care about is at risk of sinking, you can be the little tug boat that steers them to safety. Build your team, your network, your community with people who won't hesitate to grab a bucket and start bailing you out when your ship starts to ride a little lower just like you would for them.

At Black Tusk, we look out for each other. We're a place where you can overcome your obstacles and we will guide you when you need it. We are a community that is traveling to a destination of better health and wellbeing together.

Our mission is to provide support to anyone trying to better their wellbeing as a whole. If you feel we could help you along your journey or would like to know more about what we can do for you, please reach out!

Ships don't sink because of the water around them, they sink when the water gets inside them.