Black Tusk Athletics

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Start Now, Optimize Later

Starting something new can be daunting. It is easy to fabricate a reason why now is not the right time to start. You'll tell yourself, "I don't know what I'm doing" or "I'm not ready" or "the timing isn't right". As humans, we are masters when it comes to choosing why not to do something. Do you really want to live your life putting off things that intrigue or excite you?

Start now, optimize later.

Think for a moment, how amazing trying a new experience could be if you took that initial, imperfect leap. Following your curiosity and piecing everything together as you learn. You didn't learn to walk by thinking about it. You tried, you fell, then tried again. You created a system that was anything but perfect but you kept fixing your mistakes. You kept trying until you gained the freedom to roam as you wish. As a baby, you were courageous to try new things. You didn't care what people would think. So why should it be any different now?

You can always improve an imperfect start, but you can never improve if you never start. Obsessing over a perfect plan will never take you anywhere on its own. Actions create outcomes and opportunities to learn from what went well and what can be improved on. Minimal action day after day will create opportunities for exponential growth simply by exposing you to new experiences to learn from.

At Black Tusk Athletics, we specialize in empowering you to improve your health, lifestyle, & well-being. This is done by meeting you where you are currently at in your journey and facilitating you to safely explore your capabilities and improve your strength, health, self-esteem, and so much more. No judgment, no expectations. We wish for everyone who sets foot in our facilities to succeed and we approach every day with a "help first" mindset.

If you are looking to make a positive change in your life, we challenge you to start now, optimize later! We would love to help too!

Please send us a DM or book a No-Sweat Intro to find out how we can help you reach your goals.

Words by Steven Fry - Black Tusk Athletics Trainer