Improvement Fuelled By Self-Love


Take a moment to think about what drives change within yourself. Do you try to hide your insecurities while trying to improve them? Or do you accept what makes you insecure and lean on your support system to help you with your changes? When self-improvement is the goal, many people try to improve in the shadows where nobody can see them instead of in plain sight where everybody can help them.

Self-improvement does not have to come from a place of self-loathing. You can't hate yourself into a body you love. When you achieve the body you wanted back when you were 20-50-100 pounds heavier, the time spent detesting all your imperfections and feeding yourself less is also the time spent fuelling resentment that will remain.

Self-improvement can and should stem from a love for yourself. No matter where you're starting from, love should fuel your desire for change. Give yourself time to improve because you deserve it, not because you feel the need to punish yourself for your earlier decisions.


Workout because it is your right to become stronger and not as punishment for the chocolate you ate last night.

Celebrate achievements because they are new to you instead of quietly moving on because many people were able to get there before you.

The love you show yourself is the love you show others. Accepting where you are at does not stop you from getting to where you are trying to go. Fully accepting yourself and where you currently are, allows you to enjoy the journey instead of despising all the steps along the way.

You are the same person now as you will be 5 years from now. Building a foundation of respect and love now will create a stronger love for yourself in the future. Paying attention to how you treat and talk to yourself will help you understand when you are struggling and when you should reach out to the ones you trust. We are always in support of you working on bettering your health whether you're a past, current, or future member of Black Tusk Athletics. We are always a direct message, email, or phone call away and encourage you to reach out! We have a spot for every person looking to become a healthier, happier version of themself.

Give yourself some love!
Coach Steven

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